Debt Recovery

the Mediation Lab

Mediation, in its narrowest and probably most traditional of definitions is an out of court procedure that can facilitate conflicting parties to resolve their disputes with the assistance of a third neutral party that cannot however take a decision on their behalf.

Moreover, it is a structured procedure based in Principled Negotiations, with sophisticated core values and systematic tools that may apply not only to resolve disputes, but also to prevent conflicts (or escalation of such), as well as to construct procedures in order to accommodate difficult socio economic situations that may result to conflict.


How can credit managers benefit from Mediation on Debt Recovery Procedures?

How can ADR and Mediation support Lenders or Asset Managers and Investors at the same time?

What is the new landscape formed by States, Banks, Asset Management Funds, Investors and Borrowers and what has Mediation got to do with it?

As much as Mediation is an Alternative Dispute Resolution Method, or a Peace Building Procedure, it can also be a perfect environment for creative thinking, for generating options and for bridging differences deriving from different standpoints, backgrounds or opposing interests.
This aspect of Mediation can, directly and effortlessly, lead to more profitable, more amicable, finer, more essential and more realistic solutions that everybody can live with.

What we do

Our practice as business lawyers and legal counsels in the banking sector, endowed us with a deep knowledge and understanding of how business people work and react on one hand and how financial institutions and organizations operate on the other.

Furthermore, our meticulous occupation with Mediation and ADR combined with our legal background enable us to clearly identify procedural obstacles and omissions leading to fragmented communications, to non effective results and ultimately to an escalating conflict.

Our close cooperation with Bank Administration officers and with the State Special Secretariat of Private Debt, is giving us insights that we can effectively use to transform an enforcement procedure to a mutual benefit investment opportunity.

Part of our work is to provide special training to corporate staff and other professionals and officers involved in order to disseminate Mediation Skills and encourage their continuous use for continuously successful development projects.

By using Mediation skills along with interest based negotiation principles we have worked extensively the last five years on Debt Regulation and Restructuring projects, Out of Court Workout (OCW L. 4469/2017) and pre bankruptcy procedures with enterprises, and groups of companies, financial organizations and Tax Administration, helping them understand and proceed in the most favorable and profitable way for them. Through our working methods we pursue the establishment of a clever conciliation culture between Lenders and Debtors; We can add value by creating procedures and can consult top management teams on their design and implementation on big debt recovery projects.